Wednesday, October 2, 2013

JSFoo 2013 – Day 1

JSFoo is a JavaScript conference organized by the awesome folks at HasGeek. JSFoo 2013, held on 20th and 21st of Sept, is the fifth edition after four successful runs in 2011 and 2012. The focus of this year’s edition was original creations with JavaScript. A series of workshops was also conducted before the conference. My full-time talk proposal (Building components using Polymer) didn’t get selected this time. There were lots of interesting talks and demos on both the days. There was a good number of International speakers this year. The turn around for the conference was quite high. When I walked into the auditorium, I had to spend quite sometime to find a place to sit. The videos of all the talks can be found here – Day-1, Day-2. Attaching the screenshots of mind map I have created during the conference. Click on the images to enlarge them.

Bringing the Open Web and APIs to mobile devices with Firefox OS

Speaker: Robert Nyman(@robertnyman)

Robert Nyman kick-started the conference with a keynote on Firefox OS. This was one of the sessions I was looking forward to. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get to the venue on time and had to miss this session completely (thanks to the delayed overnight journey). I am yet to catch up this session on HasGeek TV.

Frontend Dev Ops

Speaker: Aditya Yadav (@NetRoy)

In this session, Aditya talked about the evolution of tools in managing the web applications. He called for the developers to automate various processes involved in managing the web apps – deployment, flushing cache, performance tweaks, writing clean code, etc. He also briefly talked about some of the deployment models being used in the industry.

Front end Dev ops

Generating tests from code – or How to test better and faster

Speaker: Olivier Crameri (@Oliviercramieri)

This was one of my favorites of the day. I have learnt some new about testing. Olivier talked about his research work based on the concept of Symbolic Execution and how to use it to automate the generation of test cases. He also talked a bit about the solvers they are using at BugBuster. Then, he demonstrated Unite, a tool for generating unit tests from the code. The demo looked cool as the tool generated some of the test cases for a regular expression. However, I am not sure about the completeness of the test cases though. I am gonna spend sometime on this to get a better understanding of the concept of Symbolic Execution. Thanks Olivier.

Generating tests from code

Real-Time peer-to-peer collaboration with JS and HTML5

Speaker: Om Shankar (@om_invincible)

In this session, Om talked about different components involved in making a peer-to-peer connection using WebRTC. He also showed some cool demos. I was looking to see more on data channel. There wasn’t much on data channels though.

WebRTC Real Time Collaboration with JS & HTML5

JavaScript is a DJ

Speaker: Jaison Justus (@jaisonjutus)

This was the first session after lunch. Jaison engaged the audience really well with his crisp talk on WebAudio API. He showed couple of cool demos using WebAudio API. Good job bro.

JavaScript is a DJ

Programming Flying robots

Speaker: Sreekanth Vadagiri (@sreeix)

In this crisp talk, Sreekanth showed off his AR Drone being controlled by a node app. He also demonstrated the TurleDrone which he has built. The audience were really impressed with the demos. I have got one myself last month. Yet to find a good place to fly it.

Flying robots with JavaScript

Using Camera motion detection in JS for gesture based interaction

Speaker: Vinci Rufus (@Areai51)

Vinci talked about the techniques involved in recognizing the gestures. He talked about the Blend mode difference method used for detecting the gestures. Then, he demonstrated cool apps built using getUserMedia() API. I was really impressed with the car demo which Vinci and his folks have built.

Motion detection in js gesture based interaction

RedRaphael – JavaScript graphics library on steroids

Speaker: Sushant Sudharshan

In this talk, Sushant from Fusion Charts talked about the evolution of the graphics library RedRaphael. He talked about some the salient features of the library like Composite shapes, grouping, etc. It would have been great had he shown better demos built using the library.


Killing passwords with JavaScript

Speaker: Francois Marier (@fmarier)

This was also one of my favorites of the day. Francois talked about some of the problems with the current password system and what an ideal solution should look like. Then, he introduced Personas with the help of a short play. Personas look like an interesting concept. Need to explore more on this.

Killing passwords with JavaScript

Microsoft sponsored Talk (JS / Web stuff)

Speaker: Rajasekharan Vengalil (@avranju)

In this talk, Raj talked about the some of the cool stuff we can do with JavaScript – Pointer events, Full Screen API, Secure WebGL, etc. Some of the demos (, for example) were really awesome. Then, he talked about some of the tools for debugging the JS code –, browserstack. The developer tools on IE seems to have improved a lot. Raj’s session was very informative. Kudos to him for picking up some of the lesser known stuffs for demo.

Microsoft sponsored talk

Bot using Node.Js and the HTML5 Audio API

Speaker: Ameya Karve (@ameyakarve)

In this crisp talk, Ameya talked about how he has used Node.js and HTML5 audio API to build his bot. Unfortunately, he couldn’t show the demo of it on stage.

Bot using Node JS

Offline in the browser – with IndexedDB, AppCache and LocalStorage

Speaker: Manan Bharara (@mananbharara)

Manan talked about the different techniques available for building offline apps in his crisp talk. This was the last session of the day.

Offline in the browser

Overall the day was really good. Had some interesting conversations with fellow JS developers. Check out the summary of Day-2 here.

-- Varun

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